"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

-victor frankl

I’m passionate about humanity. Fundamentally I believe we are all ‘just walking each other home’ - meaning we need one another to provide warmth and clarity along the journey of life.

certified integrative psychotherapist located in Cincinnati, Ohio

I'm Alissa.

Individual Counseling

Couples Counseling


I honor and hold space for the in-between, so that the individual person can totally, and radically, heal in a way that feels genuine to them.

Ready To Help


 "This is my safe place, I look forward to coming each week." 

As an advocate for social justice, I want to be a thread that holds space for stories of people from all walks of life and then weaves the humanity of the stories together in an effort to elevate awareness and compassion in the collective.

Passion Work

I'm ready too.

Ready to explore the space between?

alissa harper pease © 2021  |  site design by kaleigh turner creative